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关于家电安全新规IEC 60335-1:2020标准和旧版的变化

发布时间:2020-09-27 17:21来源:深圳华检实验室访问次数:

家电安全新规IEC 60335-1:2020正式版本发布

TC61技术委员会对IEC 60335-1进行了换版升级,以涵盖新出现的家电产品的技术要求。新标准发布日期:202092日。
IEC 60335-1新标准概述
• 更新本标准的文本,使其与已标注日期的标准引用的最新版本保持一致;
• Updated the text of this standard to align with the most recent editions of the dated normative references;
• 删除了一些注释,并将许多其他注释全部或部分转换为规范性文本;
• Deleted some notes and converted many other notes, in whole or in part, to normative text;
• 将一些附件名称从规范性改为资料性;
• Changed some Annex designations from normative to informative;
• 介绍有关应用IEC 60335系列所涵盖的安全规定的指引文件,以及如何检索这些指引文件的资料;
• Introduced information on Guidance documents concerning the application of the safety requirements covered by IEC 60335 series and on how to retrieve them;
• 明确了PELV电路的要求;
• Clarified requirements for PELV circuits;
• 当输入功率和额定电流在整个工作周期中变化时,对测量的要求进行澄清;
• Clarification of requirements on measurement of power input and rated current when they vary throughout the operating cycle;
• 将规范性附件S替换为资料性附件“本标准适用指南关于基于10.1和10.2关于代表期的要求测量功率输入和电流;
• Replaced normative Annex S with the informative Annex S "Guidance for the application of this standard on measurement of power input and current based on the requirements of 10.1 and 10.2 concerning the representative period";
• 引入并阐明了带有整针插脚插入插座的器具的机械强度要求;
• Introduced and clarified mechanical strength requirements for appliances with integral pins for insertion into socket-outlets;
• 对电池供电器具的修订要求;
• Revised requirements for battery-operated appliances;
• 引入了对金属离子电池的要求,包括新的第12章节金属离子电池充电;
• Introduced requirements for metal-ion batteries including a new Clause 12 Charging of metal-ion batteries;
• 引入了测试探针18的应用;
• Introduced the application of test probe 18;
• 对包含用户可接触的电器插座和插座的电器的要求;
• Introduced requirements for appliances incorporating appliance outlets and socket-outlets accessible to the user;
• 对装有功能接地装置的器具的要求进行了修订和澄清;
• Revised and clarified requirements for appliances incorporating a functional earth;
• 介绍了具有第二数字IP额定值的装有自动线绳卷筒的器具的耐湿气测试要求;
• Introduced moisture resistance test requirements for appliances that incorporate an automatic cord reel and that have a second numeral IP rating;
• 阐明了器具和带有整针插入插座的器具零件的耐湿性的器具测试标准;
• Clarified the appliance test criteria for the moisture resistance for appliances and parts of appliances with integral pins for insertion into socket-outlets;
• 对可接触安全特低电压出口或连接器或通用串行总线(USB)在非正常运行条件下的输出电压进行限制;• Introduced limits on the output voltage of an accessible safety extra-low voltage outlet or connector or Universal Serial Bus (USB) under abnormal operation conditions;
• 引入了涵盖光学辐射危害的要求;
• Introduced requirements to cover optical radiation hazards;
• 将外部通信软件管理条款引入规范性附件R中;
• Introduced external communication software management items into normative Annex R;
• 修订了表R.1和表R.2中的外部通信要求;
• Revised external communication requirements in Table R.1 and Table R.2;
• 在新的规范附件U中引入网络安全要求,以避免未经授权的访问和通过公共网络通过远程通信传输失败的影响。
• Introduced in new normative Annex U cyber security requirements to avoid unauthorized access and the effects of transmission failures via remote communication through public networks.
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关于家电安全新规IEC 60335-1:2020标准和旧版的变化(图1)

上一篇:做家电安全新规IEC 60335-1:2020标准的周期
下一篇:家电安全新规IEC 60335-1:2020已发布旧标准什么时候

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